Sports Site Targets Young Fan Over Misleading ‘Blackface’ Allegation

Sports news site Deadspin has long provided a forum for leftist ideologues masquerading as journalists, but one recent report has sparked a particularly high level of backlash for targeting a young Kansas City Chiefs fan.

According to an article by Carron J. Phillips, the child deserved to be publicly shamed because he was wearing “Black face,” but that allegation was later debunked when a full image of his face paint revealed that he had used both black and red — the Chiefs’ team colors.

He was also wearing a headdress meant to resemble traditional Native American attire, again in an apparent effort to show support for the NFL team.

For Phillips, none of the child’s behavior was acceptable and the title of his screed called on the league to “speak out against the Kansas City Chiefs fan in Black face, Native headdress.”

In addition to targeting the young fan — identified by conservative-leaning sports site Outkick as a 5-year-old boy — the article also lambasted the NFL for allowing the franchise to keep its supposedly offensive name.

Phillips took the bold step of portraying the boy as a pint-sized bigot, writing: “It takes a lot to disrespect two groups of people at once. But on Sunday afternoon in Las Vegas, a Kansas City Chiefs fan found a way to hate Black people and the Native Americans at the same time.”

Unsurprisingly, his so-called reporting on the issue was almost immediately inundated with sharp criticism, but instead of offering an apology, he opted to issue an even broader array of racism allegations.

“For the idiots in my mentions who are treating this as some harmless act because the other side of his face was painted red, I could make the argument that it makes it even worse,” he wrote. “Y’all are the ones who hate Mexicans but wear sombreros on Cinco.”

Phillips was once again hit with a massive wave of opprobrium, ultimately resulting in his decision to turn off the ability to reply to his post.

“This man ruins the life of some poor kid for the crime of wearing face paint at a football game and he really thinks he’s the good guy,” conservative writer Libby Emmons opined.

As of this writing, the article remained visible on Deadspin without any apparent effort to clarify the author’s incendiary and misleading allegations.

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