Trump Opens Up Lead Over Biden In Battleground States

Former President Donald Trump has repeatedly asserted that the more his political rivals attempt to destroy his chances of winning a second term in the White House, the better his polling numbers become.

“Any time they file an indictment, we go way up in the polls,” he told a crowd about two months ago. “We need one more indictment to close out this election. One more indictment and this election is closed out. Nobody has even a chance.”

While the perception of a political vendetta against him might play a role in his continued domination of the crowded 2024 GOP presidential primary field, it appears that President Joe Biden’s rock-bottom approval rating is also helping Trump’s cause ahead of a likely 2020 election rematch.

Just days after a poll found that Trump is leading Biden by double-digits, new data signals a clear advantage for the former president in the swing states that are likely to decide the winner in next year’s election.

Of course, there is still well over a year left until Election Day, but early numbers seem to reflect a move away from Biden — based on disapproval of his policies and concerns about his advanced age — and toward Trump.

Pollster Nathan Klein explained: “As Biden’s likeability has waned, we’re seeing a real trend of voters being drawn back in by Trump’s policies. As Trump now sits on a small but persistent lead in national polls, if he continues to win back a few thousand of the voters he lost in 2020 the path to victory certainly exists.”

Battleground states reveal the most promising news for Trump and his supporters, with a recent poll giving a combined 41% to 35% advantage to the former president in states where the margin of victory was slimmest in 2020. Those states include Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

As Klein noted, Trump’s “odds get better every day Joe Biden is president.”

Although he cautioned that it would be premature to call the current evidence an “outright advantage” for Trump, he said that the former president “certainly is experiencing a bump, helped by some political environmental factors and the current perception of the incumbent president.”

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