CNN Glorifies Transgenderism In Eva Longoria Cooking Show

As television programming continues to devolve, even the most innocuous programs can’t escape the encroachment of the woke politics of the corporate media. Recently, CNN’s culinary travel series “Eva Longoria: Searching for Mexico” featured an episode promoting “two-spirit” transgender individuals, known as “Muxes,” in the province of Oaxaca, Mexico.

In the episode, actress Eva Longoria highlighted the role of Muxes as the “proud guardians of Zapotecan cuisine.” The show explained that Muxes are recognized by the indigenous Zapotec people of Mexico as a “third gender,” embodying male and female characteristics. Historically, they adopted traditional female roles within their families, such as caregiving, needlework, and cooking.

Longoria ventured to meet and learn from the Muxes in the episode, inquiring about their love lives and relationships. The Muxes revealed that they date heterosexuals, often secretly, as they are seen as more manly. The show painted a picture of Muxes as a unique and vibrant part of Mexican culture, with Longoria stating, “Muxan culture has given a sense of freedom to Zapotecs who don’t conform to gender stereotypes. And today, they are celebrated in the Isthmus and beyond.”

It’s worth noting that CNN’s travel section also published an article spotlighting Mexican Muxes. The piece described a legend involving the town’s patron saint, San Vicente Ferrer, carrying three bags of seeds meant to be distributed worldwide. The first contained male seeds, the second female seeds, and the third a mix of the two. When the third bag ruptured while passing through Juchitán, the town’s famous Muxes community was born.

Supporters of Muxes argue that their existence challenges Western society’s rigid gender binary and serves as a form of resistance against the colonizing forces that imposed their beliefs and behaviors on indigenous people. For example, Jacobo Ramírez, whose research with Ana María Munar has explored muxes and gender in indigenous communities, stated in an email to CNN, “Their way of life represents a form of resistance against the Western colonizing forces that have historically imposed their beliefs and behaviors on indigenous peoples.”

Although Longoria’s series aims to showcase the diversity of Mexico’s culinary culture, critics argue that including Muxes in a cooking show seems like an attempt to push an LGBT advocacy agenda to the forefront. Some say this move distracts from the show’s primary focus: exploring and celebrating the rich culinary history of Mexico. While diversity and inclusivity are essential in today’s world, whether viewers tune in for political or culinary content remains to be seen.

The recent episode of CNN’s “Eva Longoria: Searching for Mexico” spotlighting Muxes demonstrates that even food shows are not immune to the growing influence of social politics in today’s media landscape. As networks continue to prioritize specific agendas, it’s up to the viewers to decide if these narratives enrich their understanding of the world or distract from the program’s original intent.

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